Contents Subject Author Editorial : Climate Emergency Er. Mayadhar Swain Perioidic Table: Beyond the Seventh Period Prof. Ramesh Chandra Parida Browning Reaction Er. Timira Mishra
Science Horizon
Contents Subject Author Editorial : Human Exploration to Mars Er. Mayadhar Swain Smog: Its Effects on Environment L.M. Das Forest Scenario: Then and Now Dr.
Science Horizon
Contents Subject Author Editorial : Climate Emergency Er. Mayadhar Swain Perioidic Table: Beyond the Seventh Period Prof. Ramesh Chandra Parida Browning Reaction Er. Timira Mishra
Science Horizon
Contents Subject Author Electric Vehicles, Need of the Time Er. Mayadhar Swain Titanium, the Wonder Metal Prof Suresh Mohapatra Time and Science Ansuman Dash Kidney
Science Horizon
Contents Subject Author Editorial: Renewable Energy for India Er. Mayadhar Swain Nobel Prize in Physics-2018: Tools made of Light Prof. M. Goswami Nobel Prize in
Science Horizon
Contents Subject Author Space Tourism Er. Mayadhar Swain The Planck System of Units Dr. Bijay Kumar Parida Ramanujan’s Median Problem Er. Mayadhar Swain Lithium-Air Battery
Science Horizon
Contents Subject Author Editorial : Impact of Ancient Indian Science and Culture in the Modern Period Prof. Niranjan Barik Pathani Samanta : The Tycho Brahe
Science Horizon
Contents Subject Author Editorial : Science for the People and People for Science Er. Mayadhar Swain Raman’s Journey into Light Dr. Dwijesh Kumar Panda Last
Science Horizon
Contents Subject Author Editorial : River Pollution Er. Mayadhar Swain The Riddle of Life Dr. Dwijesh Kumar Panda Nuclear Catastrophe Ansuman Dash Impacts of Climate
Science Horizon
Contents Subject Author Editorial : Energy Security of India Er. Mayadhar Swain Energy Resources Prof. Balaram Sahoo Harnessing Nuclear Energy Dr. Mridula Mishra Thermal Power