Contents Subject Author Editorial : Relevance of Spirituality in the Age of Science and Technology Prof. Niranjan Barik Twinkle Twinkle Little Star Er. Mayadhar Swain
Science Horizon
Contents Subject Author Editorial : Climate Emergency Er. Mayadhar Swain Perioidic Table: Beyond the Seventh Period Prof. Ramesh Chandra Parida Browning Reaction Er. Timira Mishra
Science Horizon
Contents Subject Author Editorial : Human Exploration to Mars Er. Mayadhar Swain Smog: Its Effects on Environment L.M. Das Forest Scenario: Then and Now Dr.
Science Horizon
Contents Subject Author Editorial : Fundamental Forces of Nature Er. Mayadhar Swain Climate Change and Impact on Human Health Dr. Sundara Narayan Patro Vanishing under
Science Horizon
Contents Subject Author Editorial : National Science Day Er. Mayadhar Swain Invisibility : AMyth? Prof. Bipin Bihari Swain Impact of Pollution Generated from Coal based
Science Horizon
Contents Subject Author Editorial : Climate Emergency Er. Mayadhar Swain Perioidic Table: Beyond the Seventh Period Prof. Ramesh Chandra Parida Browning Reaction Er. Timira Mishra
Science Horizon
Contents Subject Author Editorial : Paris Agrement and India Er. Mayadhar Swain Cutting Short Methane Emission from Ruminants Prof. (Dr.) Ramesh chandra Parida India’s Chemistry
Science Horizon
Contents Subject Author Editorial : Mangroves – A Unique Biodiversity Er. Mayadhar Swain Environmental Hazards on Biodiversity Dr. Bijay Ketan Patnaik Telepathy: Part-II Prof. Bipin
Science Horizon
Contents Subject Author Editorial : Internet of Things Er. Mayadhar Swain Isro’s Space Ambitions Nikunja Bihari Sahu Almanac Astronomy and Astrology Sudhira Panda Unmanned Aerial
Science Horizon
Contents Subject Author Editorial : Power of Atom Er. Mayadhar Swain Alarming Warming up of Oceans Nikunja Bihari Sahu Bharat Stage Emission Standards Sthitaprangya Chand,