(English) Science Horizon Please wait while flipbook is loading. For more related info, FAQs and issues please refer to DearFlip WordPress Flipbook Plugin Help documentation. E-Books Category: E-Books Author: Dr. (Mrs.) Mridula Mishra, Dr. Ashit Kumar Swain, Dr. Bipin Kumar Patnaik, , Dr. Guru Prasad Mohanta, , , , Dr. Sadasiva Biswal, Dr. Sodananda Torasia, , Prof. P. K. Jena, Prof. Ramasankar Rath, Sri Ashok Baran Das, Sri Biswajit Patra, Sri Nikunja BIhari Sahu ContentsSubjectAuthorEditorial : Left blank in honour of the departed soul Prof.(Dr.) Sodananda TorasiaAristotle the Legendary PhilosopherProf. Ramasankar RathBig Data : An OverviewDr. (Mrs.) Mridula MishraEnd of CassiniSri Nikunja Bihari SahuOutlines of Global Positioning SystemDr. Sadasiva Biswal, Dr. Bipin Kumar PatnaikLandslides – Mountainous DisastersDr. Ashit Kumar SwainGreen House GasesEr. Mayadhar SwainSave Mother Earth from Environmental PollutionProf. P. K. JenaFertigation for Sustainable FarmingSri Ashok Baran DasPan (Piper betel L.): The Nature’s Green HeartSri Biswajit PatraFree Radicals and Antioxidants, The Wonder Molecules of NatureDr. Parshuram DhalH1N1 Influenza (Swine Flu):Manage and Protect YourselfDr. Guru Prasad MohantaAddiction Damages the BrainDr. Dwijesh Kumar PandaWhy Should We Know About NASH ?Dr. Kalyanee DashQuiz:Know About Non-edible Tree Borne Oilseeds (TBO)Dr. Kedareshwar Pradhan