Contents Subject Author Editorial : India’s Manned Space Mission Er. Mayadhar Swain Some Path-Breaking Equations in Physics Dr. Bijay Kumar Parida Portable Fire Extinguishers Prof.
(English) Science Horizon
Contents Subject Author Editorial : National Science Day Er. Mayadhar Swain Invisibility : AMyth? Prof. Bipin Bihari Swain Impact of Pollution Generated from Coal based
(English) Science Horizon
Contents Subject Author Editorial : Hubble at 30 Er. Mayadhar Swain The Mysterious Concept of mass – I Dr. Bijay Kumar Parida Disinfectants Dr. Manas
(English) Science Horizon
Contents Subject Author Editorial : Mangroves – A Unique Biodiversity Er. Mayadhar Swain Environmental Hazards on Biodiversity Dr. Bijay Ketan Patnaik Telepathy: Part-II Prof. Bipin
(English) Science Horizon
Contents Subject Author Editorial: Renewable Energy for India Er. Mayadhar Swain Nobel Prize in Physics-2018: Tools made of Light Prof. M. Goswami Nobel Prize in
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Contents Subject Author Space Tourism Er. Mayadhar Swain The Planck System of Units Dr. Bijay Kumar Parida Ramanujan’s Median Problem Er. Mayadhar Swain Lithium-Air Battery
(English) Science Horizon
Contents Subject Author Editorial : Power of Atom Er. Mayadhar Swain Alarming Warming up of Oceans Nikunja Bihari Sahu Bharat Stage Emission Standards Sthitaprangya Chand,
(English) Science Horizon
Contents Subject Author Editorial : International Year of the Periodic Table Er. Mayadhar Swain 2019 – A Crucial Year for the SI System of Units
(English) Science Horizon
Contents Subject Author Editorial : Thalassemia an Inheritable Genetic Disorder Prof. Tarani Charan Kara Remembering ECG Sudarshan : A Renowned Indian Physicist Prof. Manasi Goswami
(English) Science Horizon
Contents Subject Author Editorial : Stephen Hawking – The ‘Living Legend of the Century’ Prof. Niranjan Barik The Hawking ‘Phenomenon’ in A Nutshell Dr. Bijay